Alpha Nu was founded on a set of several principles. One of which is a strict ZERO Tolerance for hazing. Hazing is any action or situation, with or without the consent of the participants, which recklessly, intentionally, or unintentionally endangers the mental, physical, or academic health or safety of an individual. It includes physical injury, assault or battery, kidnapping or imprisonment, intentionally placing at risk of mental or emotional harm, degradation, humiliation, the compromising of moral or religious values, forced consumption of any liquid or solid, placing an individual in physical danger which includes abandonment, and impairment of physical liberties. Today, hazing extends beyond fraternal organizations and is experienced by school groups, university organizations, athletic teams, the military, and other social and professional organizations. While hazing may be a tradition among other organizations and groups of people, having a history of hazing is no reason to maintain it. There is never a justifiable reason for hazing. Hazing is dangerous physically, emotionally, psychologically, and socially.
As stated above, Alpha Nu Multicultural Sorority Inc maintains and strict ZERO TOLERANCE policy for hazing. This includes the undergraduate chapter, alumnae association, alumnae region, or nationally. Alpha Nu is concerned with the health and well-being of its members. Hazing goes against our purpose to uplift womxn regardless of their race, color, or creed, and denies women the ability to create a true bond of sisterhood.
Hazing is a violation of the law. Any member who chooses to engage in any hazing activity is not a representation of Alpha Nu. Members who participate in hazing will be subject to disciplinary action according to the National Board of Directors, and defining rules and regulations in force. In addition, these acts may result in criminal prosecution or lawsuits in civil court for monetary damages.
In accordance to RCQ 28B.10.900 Sam's Law: No Violence has been found against the Alpha Chapter of Alpha Nu Multicultural Sorority Inc.